OMYA Studio is a reality that brings together a number of different but complementary professionals for the promotion of psycho-physical well-being. The study was born from the idea of building a space where people can carve out time for self-care, become aware of their physical and mental resources and find the tools to improve their health. OMYA studio offers a range of services and treatments that can all be integrated through the work of a team of professionals, whose center is always the Person in its entirety, uniqueness and complexity. Each human being is a unique and unrepeatable form of life in itself. Man is born and develops with his own individuality, his biology corresponds to the series of events that have characterized his life, his biography. But there is something he can do, he can become aware of what he is doing, to better be the person he is. It may happen that our natural instinct to move is altered by everyday life, by stiffness due to stress and daily bad habits and sooner or later we end up suffering from muscle pain, recurring sleep disturbances, migraines, gastrointestinal tract or loss of energy. In fact, any departure from the rhythmic processes of nature has a negative impact on our health and well-being in the long term, creating a real maladjustment syndrome. Only by realigning our daily life to our natural needs and living consciously and in harmony with our internal clock, will we be able to recover the natural biorhythm, one of the main prerequisites for an existence dedicated to well-being, health and above all happiness .